These question rounds are all "taboo" rounds - for more information on how taboo rounds are usually adjudicated and scored, please check out the "question formats" page here. A lot of the lists below encompass all of the taboo questions from a particular year's quiz, and thus have effectively two rounds' worth of questions in. Most are from past Varsity quizzes and are thus arranged by the year they were asked.
This section contains 8 blocks that have collectively 176 possible taboo words.
1. Gloin (not Gimli, Dwarf, Thorin, Company, Hobbit, goblin, Smaug, Erebor, Lonely Mountain)
2. Caudimordax (not Giles, Chrysophylax, Tailbiter, dragon, farmer, Bellomarius)
3. Quickbeam (not Bregalad, Ent, hasty, Pippin, Merry, hobbits, Entmoot, entertainment, Alex)
4. Voronwë (not Tuor, Steadfast, mariner, Elf, Mardil, Steward)
5. Erendis (Aldarion, woman, queen, Ancalimë, wife, marriage, Númenor)
6. Huan (not dog, speak, hound, Beren, Lúthien, Celegorm, Oromë, wolf, Carcharoth)
7. Psamathos Psamathides (not sand, wizard, rabbit, Roverandom, beach)
8. The New Shadow (not sequel, Fourth Age, unfinished)
9. Smith (not Wootton Major, cake, star, travel, Faerie, bake)
10. Imrahil (not prince, Dol Amroth, knight, swan, Gondor, Pelennor)
11. Tom Bombadil (not Rory Kinnear, old, forest, barrow, Goldberry, Withywindle, nonsense, hey, dol, merry, willow)
12. Rings of Power (not second, age, Sauron, Amazon, Celebrimbor, forge, magic, rubbish, series)
13. The Green Knight (not Gawain, Arthur, round, table, axe, head, middle, English, Camelot)
14. Mandos (not Valar, Valinor, doom, judge, hall, Lórien, Námo, Vairë)
15. Mindolluin (not Minas Tirith, mountain, white, Gondor)
16. Dain Ironfoot (not Thorin, battle, five, armies, Erebor, lonely, mountain, king, iron, hills, dwarf)
17. Grendel (not monster, Beowulf, mother)
18. Andreth (not Finrod, Athrabeth, woman, healer, wise)
19. Rosie Cotton (not Sam, Tom, farmer, wife, marry, Elanor)
20. Shepherd (not Niggle, leaf, Parish, mountains, sheep, guide)
1.The North Polar Bear (not Karhu, Father Christmas, goblin, pole)
2. Void (not Morgoth, Melkor, Door of Night)
3. Garm (not dog, Giles, Chrysophylax, talking)
4. Finrod (not Felagund, Elf, Noldor, Finarfin, Galadriel, Aegnor, Angrod, Galadriel, Nargothrond)
5. Hazad Longbeard (not Tal-Elmar, father)
6. Fatty Bolger (not Fredegar, hobbit, Crickhollow, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, five)
7. Escape (not On Fairy Stories, fantasy, purpose, prison, barrels, Bilbo)
8. Nimrodel (not river, stream, lay, Amroth, elf, maid)
9. Ghan-buri-Ghan (not Wild Men, Druedain, chief, guide, scout, Rohirrim)
10. Heorot (not hall, Hrothgar, Beowulf, Grendel)
11. Scatha (not worm, dragon, Fram, Ered Mithrim)
12. Cormallen (not field, Eglerio, ringbearers)
13. Perry-the-Winkle (not troll, cransome bread, hobbit, adventure, Tom Bombadil, poem)
14. Durin (not deathless, dwarf, seven, king, axe, door, Moria)
15. Sharkey (not Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, ruffian, beggar, Shire, scouring, Bag End, chief)
16. Bombur (not dwarf, Thorin, company, fat, drum, food, sleep)
17. Vingilot (not ship, boat, Earendil, Silmaril, Wade)
18. Gwaihir (not eagle, windlord, king, Gandalf, rescue, taxi, bird)
19. Tinfang Warble (not Book of Lost Tales, elf, musician, Cottage of Lost Play)
20. Iluvatar (not Eru, god, creator, sink)
1. Thorin (not Oakenshield, Thrain, Thror, Erebor/The Lonely Mountain, Dwarf/Dwarves, Durin, Hobbit, Richard Armitage)
2. Smaug (not dragon, Golden, Magnificent, fire, Benedict Cumberbatch)
3. Cuiviénen (not water, awakening, Elf/Elves)
4. Oromë (not Vala/Valar, horse(man), hunter, trees, forests, horn)
5. Hama (not Rohan, Rohirrim, Helm’s Deep, Edoras, guard, doorward)
6. Palantir (not seeing, stone, Saruman, Aragorn, Pippin, Númenor, seven)
7. Mindolluin (not mount(ain), Minas Tirith/Minas Anor, hill, Gondor)
8. Nauglamir (not necklace, Dwarves, Silmaril, Thingol, Menegroth, Lúthien)
9. Elladan and Elrohir (not Elrond, son(s), Half-Elven, Arwen, sister, brother)
10. Eärendil (not mariner, sailor, Elwing, Silmaril, Vingilot, Elrond, Elros, father, son, Tuor, Idril)
11. Dol Guldur (Sauron, Necromancer, enemy, tower, Mirkwood, sorcery)
12. Arod (horse, Rohan, Rohirrim, Legolas, Éomer)
13. Tirion (Túna, Valinor, Finwë, city, Eldamar)
14. Lúthien (Beren, Thingol, Tinúviel, Doriath, Silmaril, Edith)
15. Nenya (ring, three, water, adamant, Galadriel)
16. Bungo Baggins (Bilbo, father, son, hobbit, Bag End, Belladonna)
17. Aulë (Valar, Mahal, dwarf/ves, smith, Yavanna, lamps, Fëanor)
18. Balin (dwarf, Dwalin, Fundin, Moria, tomb, Hobbit, Erebor/Lonely Mountain)
19. Glamdring (sword, Gandalf, Orcrist, Foe-Hammer, Beater, Gondolin, troll(s), goblin)
20. Théodred (Théoden, son, dead/death, Rohan, Rohirrim, Éomer)
1. Thranduil. Taboo: Mirkwood, Legolas, Elf, King
2. Saruman. Taboo: White, Wizard, Curunir, Orthanc, Isengard
3. Finarfin. Taboo: Elf, Finwë, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Galadriel
4. Elrond. Taboo: Half-Elven, Elros, Rivendell/Imladris, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir
5. Ar-Pharazôn. Taboo: Númenor, King, Golden, Sauron, last
6. Mt Gundabad. Taboo: Durin, Misty Mountains, Grey Mountains, Orc
7. Mirkwood. Taboo: Legolas, Thranduil, spider, Dol Guldur, wood, forest, tree, path, lost
8. Dain Ironfoot. Taboo: Dwarf, Thorin, Iron Hills, Lonely Mountain, king
9. Gelion. Taboo: River, long(est), little, greater, water
10. Eomer. Taboo: Rohan, Eomund, Théoden, marshal, Eowyn, man
11. Gimli, Taboo: dwarf, Gloin, Legolas, Fellowship, Lorien
12. Ungoliant, Taboo: spider, Shelob, Morgoth/Melkor, Trees
13. Anduril, Taboo: sword, Aragorn, Narsil, broken, West
14. Caradhras: Taboo: mountain, Redhorn, Moria, snow
15. Quickbeam: Taboo: tree, Ent, Fangorn, Bregalad, Treebeard
16. Dís: Taboo: Dwarf, Fili, Kili, Thorin, mother, woman
17. Glaurang, Taboo: Dragon, Turin, Nienor, Hurin
18. Helcaraxe: Taboo: ice, grinding, cross, Losgar, ship
19. Khuzdul: Taboo: language, dwarf, secret, Khazad, axes
20. Arkenstone: Taboo: Erebor, Lonely Mountain, Smaug, Thorin, Bilbo, jewel, stone
1. Balin. Taboo: dwarf, Dwalin, Moria, Fundin
2. Angband. Taboo: Melkor, Morgoth, fortress, Thangorodrim
3. Chrysophylax. Taboo: Dragon, Dives, Farmer Giles
4. Celebrimbor. Taboo: rings, doors, Curufin
5. Wootton Major. Taboo: Smith, village
6. Riddles in the Dark. Taboo: Hobbit, Gollum, game, chapter
7. Radagast. Taboo: wizard, brown, rabbits, sledge, sleigh
8. Stone of Erech. Taboo: Paths of the Dead, rock, black
9. Namarië. Taboo: goodbye, farewell, Galadriel
10. Bolg. Taboo: orc, goblin, Azog
11. Rayner Unwin. Taboo: Stanley, Hobbit
12. Mithril. Taboo: silver, mail, coat
13. Elbereth. Taboo: Varda, Gilthoniel, Vala, Manwe
14. Meduseld. Taboo: Edoras, Rohan, hall, Théoden
15. Isildur's Bane. Taboo: Ring, Elendil
16. Peregrin Took. Taboo: Pippin, Merry, Hobbit, fellowship
17. Dunedain. Taboo: Men, West, Númenor, Aragorn, Strider
18. Athelas. Taboo: kingsfoil, healing, herb
19. Polar Bear. Taboo: Father Christmas, Letters, North Pole
20. Longbeards. Taboo: dwarves, Durin
21. The Iron Crown. Taboo: Melkor, Morgoth, Silmaril
22. Fingon. Taboo: elf, king, Fingolfin, F
23. Erebor. Taboo: mountain, lonely, Smaug
24. The White Council. Taboo: Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Saruman
1. The White Tree. Taboo: Minas Tirith, plant
2. Meriadoc Brandybuck. Taboo: Merry, Pippin, hobbit, fellowship, witch, king
3. Burglar. Taboo: Bilbo, Baggins, thief, steal
4. Nargothrond. Taboo: hidden, Finrod, Felagund, Orodreth, Túrin, Gondolin
5. The Sword that was Broken. Taboo: Narsil, Andúril, Strider, Aragorn
6. The Black Arrow. Taboo: Bard, Smaug, bow
7. The Red Book. Taboo: Westmarch, Frodo, Lord of the Rings
8. Niggle. Taboo: leaf, painter
9. Birmingham. Taboo: England, Britain, city
10. Caradhras. Taboo: Redhorn, mountain, pass
11. Fingolfin. Taboo: Elf, Noldor, Finwë, Finarfin
12. Snaga. Taboo: Orc, slave, Gorbag, Shagrat
13. The Old Took. Taboo: Hobbit, Gerontius
14. Sirion. Taboo: River, vale, Beleriand
15. Minas Morgul. Taboo: Tirith, Ithil, Isildur, Nazgul, Ringwraiths
16. Glorfindel. Taboo: Elf, Asfaloth, Arwen
17. The Scouring of the Shire. Taboo: Chapter, Saruman, Sharkey
18. Prentice. Taboo: Alf, Smith, Cook, Elf, king
19. The Last Homely House. Taboo: Rivendell, Elrond
20. The Mouth of Sauron. Taboo: ambassador, name, speak, lie
21. Maeglin. Taboo: Eöl, Gondolin, traitor
22. The Misty Mountains. Taboo: Hithaeglir, goblins
23. Tulkas. Taboo: Astaldo, Vala, Ainu, wrestling, strong
24. The Third Age. Taboo: time, calendar, era, year, first, second
1. Weathertop. Taboo: Amon Sul, hill, Nazgul, Ringwraith
2. Ringbearer. Taboo: bear, carry, ring, Bilbo, Frodo
3. Smaug. Taboo: Dragon, Thorin, Mountain, Hobbit
4. Father Christmas Letters. Taboo: Book, Saint, Noel
5. Ulmo. Taboo: Valar, God, Sea, Water
6. Quenya. Taboo: Elvish, Sindarin, Language, Elf
7. Galathea. Taboo: Cow, Giles, Ham
8. Lothlorien. Taboo: Forest, Galadriel, Celeborn
9. Inklings. Taboo: Tolkien, Lewis, Writing
10. Durin. Taboo: Dwarf, Moria, Khazad-Dum
11. Errantry. Taboo: Poem, Mariner, Earendil
12. Bag End. Taboo: Hobbit, Hole, Bilbo, Frodo
13. A Long-expected Party. Taboo: Start, Chapter, Birthday, Book, Ring
14. Arnor. Taboo: Kingdom, Gondor, North
15. Nori. Taboo: Dwarf, Ori, Dori
16. Barahir. Taboo: Felagund, Beren, Ring
17. Michel Delving. Taboo: Town, Shire
18. The Professor. Taboo: Tolkien, J.R.R.
19. Gollum. Taboo: Riddle, Precious, Ring, Smeagol, Deagol
20. Orthanc. Taboo: Isengard, Sarmuman, Curunir
21. Gondolin. Taboo: Turgon, City, Hidden, Mountains
22. Mr Bliss. Taboo: Book, Girabbit
23. Narsil. Taboo: Sword, Andúril, Reforged
24. Daeron. Taboo: Minstrel, Thingol, Lúthien, Doriath
1. Ringwraith. Taboo: Nazgûl, Black, Rider, Ring, Nine
2. Lúthien. Taboo: Tinúviel, Elf, Beren, Daughter
3. Rivendell. Taboo: Valley, Elrond, Last Homely House, Imladris
4. Morgoth. Taboo: Evil, Bad, Dark Lord
5. Riddles. Taboo: Game, Gollum, Bilbo
6. Mithril. Taboo: Silver, Metal, Coat, Corselet
7. The Road goes Ever On. Taboo: Song, Poem, Verse
8. Goldberry. Taboo: Tom Bombadil, River Woman
9. Silmaril. Taboo: Silmarillion, Jewel, Fëanor, Three
10. Inklings. Taboo: Tolkien, C S Lewis
11. Númenor. Taboo: Island, Westernesse, Dunedain
12. Roäc. Taboo: Raven, Bird, Carc
13. Bombur. Taboo: Dwarf, Fat
14. Ent. Taboo: Tree, Treebeard, Fangorn, Shepherd
15. Farmer Giles of Ham. Taboo: Book, Title, Dragon
16. Balrog. Taboo: Wings, Fire, Moria, Gandalf
17. Lembas. Taboo: Waybread, Food, Eat
18. Théoden. Taboo: King, Rohan, Rohirrim, Thengel
19. Eagles. Taboo: Bird, Gandalf, Rescue, Gwaihir, Thorondor
20. Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. Taboo: Hobbit, Silver Spoons
21. Palantír. Taboo: Seeing Stone, Crystal Ball
22. Dead Marshes. Taboo: Gollum, Sméagol, Swamp
23. Quenya. Taboo: Language, Elvish, Sindarin
24. Gondolin. Taboo: Hidden, City