Eagle Debate Summaries
Most successful entrants
Points are calculated as 1pt for third place, 3 for second and 6 for a win.
Members by win total
3 - Matthew Woodcraft, James Baillie
1 - Esther Miller, Anna Slack, Thea Wilson, James Cole, Tim Kelby, Jack Fleming, Sam Brennan, Olivia Maes, Moriah, Jamie Douglas, Louise Vincent, Ellie Holderness, Samuel Cook
Members by points
25 - James Baillie
18 - Matthew Woodcraft
11 - Anna Slack
10 - Thea Wilson
9 - Esther Miller
8 - Jack Fleming
7 - Jamie Douglas
6 - James Cole, Sam Brennan, Olivia Maes, Tim Kelby, Moriah, Louise Vincent, Ellie Holderness, Samuel Cook
5 - Rachel Fletcher
4 - Hannah Parish, Jack Robinson
3 - George Bouverie, Alex Loktionov, Michael Miller, Lawrence Davies, Peter Hurrell, Sophie ?, Sarah Arnold, Christine ?, Jeremy ? , Tristan Roberts, Sparta Liew-Cain, Andrew Gurr, Peter Jordan
1 - David Vasak, Aleksandra Trzeciak, Jack Vickeredge, Ben Colburn, Nick Taylor, Alison Hart, Bettina Juszak, Scott Summers, Avigail Ben-Gad
Entries by win total
2 - Gimli, Radagast
1 - Hobbiton, Umbar, Fredegar Bolger, Pippin, Father Christmas, the Polar Bear, Alatar, Pallando, Legolas, Melkor,The Witch King, Tom Bombadil, Vidugavia, Feanor, Boromorh, Fangorn, Manwe, Denethor, Dain Ironfoot, Turin
Entries by points
12 - Gimli, Radagast
9 - Pippin, Feanor, Denethor, Turin
7 - Dain Ironfoot, Melkor/Morgoth
6 - Hobbiton, Umbar, Fredegar Bolger, Father Christmas, the Polar Bear, Alatar, Pallando, Legolas, The Witch King, Tom Bombadil, Aragorn, Vidugavia, Boromorh, Fangorn, Manwe
4 - Maedhros
3 - Edoras, Bree, Hazad Longbeard, Castamir, Rohan, Gondor, Bilbo, The Barrow Wights, Frodo, Gandalf, Glaurung, Boromir's Belt, Sauron, Orcs, Gollum, Earendil, Steve the Ringwraith
2 - Samwise
1 - Michel Delving, Annuminas, Treebeard, Saruman, Butterbur, Nob, Quickbeam, Ar-Pharazon, Gothmog, Merry, Mandos, Smaug, Amandil, Galadriel
Debate summaries
Debates 2003-04
Michaelmas - "Eagle/Fellowship"
1. Legolas (Esther Miller)
2. Gandalf (Thea Wilson)
3. Samwise (Anna Slack)
Lent - "The Outer Darkness"
1. Melkor (Matthew Woodcraft)
2. Glaurung (Peter Hurrell)
3. Ar-Pharazon (Ben Colburn)
Easter - "The Cutting Room Floor"
1. Radagast (Anna Slack)
2. The Barrow Wights (Lawrence Davies)
3. Quickbeam (Thea Wilson)
Debates 2004-05
Michaelmas - "Fellowship/Eagle"
1. Gimli (Thea Wilson)
2. Frodo (Anna Slack)
3. Samwise (Jack Vickeredge)
Lent - "The Outer Darkness"
1. The Witch-King (Tim Kelby)
2 (Joint) . Sauron (Sarah Arnold) & Orcs (Sophie)
3. Wormtongue (Anna Slack)
Easter - "The Cutting Room Floor"
1. Tom Bombadil (Matthew Woodcraft)
2. Boromir's Belt (Esther Miller)
3. Gothmog (Nick Taylor)
Debates 2005-06
Michaelmas - "Fellowship/Eagle"
1. Gimli (Matthew Woodcraft)
2 (Joint). Pippin (Christine ?) & Aragorn (Jeremy ?)
3. Merry (Alison Hart)
Debates 2011-12
Michaelmas - "Most Tragic Character"
1. Denethor (?)
Lent - "Least Successful Character"
1. Manwe (?)
2. Turin (?)
Easter - "Most Effective Geographical Feature"
1. Fangorn (?)
Debates 2012-13
Michaelmas - "Most Underrated Character"
Lent - "Paragon of Virtue"
1. Faramir (?)
2. Huan (?)
3. Dain Ironfoot (James Baillie)
Easter - "Comedy Gold"
Debates 2013-14
Michaelmas I - "Best Settlement"
1. Hobbiton (James Cole)
2. Edoras (George Bouverie)
3. Michel Delving (Jack Fleming)
Michaelmas II - "Best Settlement"
1. Umbar (James Baillie)
2. Bree (Alex Loktionov)
3. Annuminas (David Vasak)
Lent - "Most Hopeless Hero"
1. Fredegar Bolger (Jack Fleming)
2. Hazad Longbeard (James Baillie)
3. Treebeard (Aleksandra Trzeciak)
Easter - "Most Innovative Character"
1. Pippin (Sam Brennan)
2. Castamir the Usurper (James Baillie)
3. Saruman (Jack Fleming)
Debates 2014-15
Michaelmas I - "Finest Friendship"
1. Father Christmas & Polar Bear (Olivia Maes)
2. Rohan & Gondor (Michael Miller)
3. Finrod & Andreth (Rachel Fletcher)
Michaelmas II - "Finest Friendship"
1. Alatar & Pallando (James Baillie)
2. Bilbo & Aragorn (Rachel Fletcher)
3. Butterbur & Nob (Jamie Douglas)
Lent - "Best Host"
1. Vidugavia (James Baillie)
2. Feanor (Hannah Parish)
3. Mandos (Bettina Juszak)
Easter I - "Best Death"
1. Borowmore (Moriah)
2. Gollum (Tristan Roberts)
3. Smaug (Scott Summers)
Easter II - "Best Death"
1. Feanor (Jamie Douglas)
2. Denethor (Sparta Liew-Cain)
3. Maedhros (Rachel Fletcher)
Debates 2015-16
Michaelmas - "Best Magician"
1. Radagast (Louise Vincent)
2. Earendil (Jack Robinson)
3. Galadriel (Hannah Parish)
Lent - "Most Underrated Character"
1. Dain Ironfoot (Ellie Holderness)
2. Maedhros (Andrew Gurr)
3. Amandil (Avigail Ben-Gad)
Lent - "Most Underrated Character"
1. Turin (Samuel Cook)
2. Steve the Ringwraith (Peter Jordan)
3. Morgoth (Jack Robinson)